The effect of Saudi Arabia's Oil Industry on HR
A gas flare at a processing plant in Shaybah, Saudi Arabia. Leaders have pledged to cut back on methane emissions. Credit... Simon Dawson/Bloomberg This last week many developing and developed nations met and made agreements regarding climate change and the creation of funds for developing nations and COP 27. While progress has been made in terms of international climate agreements, some nations still have their own agenda when it comes to the fossil fuel industry. Saudi Arabia, in particular, has been continuing to develop their energy industries and infrastructure. Not only have they been putting money into their oil industry, but they have also been installing renewable energy technologies all over the country. They are attempting to decrease the amount of oil they use inside their own country which seems like a noble goal, but in reality is aimed at growing their oil economy and exports. Saudi Arabia is increasing their own use of renewable energy with the purpose of decreas...