The other end of the spectrum: Drought
Jeff Robertson / AP To those who have been paying attention, this summer has been an example of the weather extremes that we are and will continue to experience in the face of climate change. I have mentioned in previous posts about the extreme flooding that many nations have been facing, which has imposed major health concerns on the people living in those areas. In particular, it has been affecting the less economically stable communities as they have less access to health care and other resources to help them in these times of emergency. On the other end of this spectrum of impacts of climate change, other areas of the world are facing major droughts, which is yet another way that people’s health is being threatened. One area that is facing a drought is in the Mississippi river in the United States. The Mississippi river is a major water system in the United States and over a third of rainwater in the US ends up in the Mississippi River. Drought in the Upper Mississippi basins has c...